This is our corner of the world to discuss all things relating to faith, the Bible, Jesus and God, and hot cultural topics.
When You Don’t Know the Answer
One of the greatest mistakes we can make in defending the Christian faith is to act like we have all the answers. If you're anything like me, you love it when you have [...]
University Library to Host Ratio Christi eBooks
Ratio Christi Canada is pleased to announce that we have recently established a new partnership with the George A. Rawlyk Library at Crandall University. Under this partnership, Ratio Christi Press, the publishing arm [...]
Everybody’s an Apologist
"I'm not some apologist trying to convince everyone I'm right." That's what a former friend said to my wife right before blocking the two of us on Facebook. Upon sharing a news piece [...]
Testimony: A Life Shaped by Apologetics
When it comes to appreciating the value of apologetics, I’ve never needed much convincing. I’ve always had a curious mind and been interested in intellectual pursuits. And when I’ve had questions, I’ve sought [...]
When NOT to Do Apologetics
The Bible famously tells us that there’s a season for everything we do here on earth. There are both seasons to plant and seasons to uproot, to tear down and to build up, [...]
Ratio Christi President/CEO Visits Canada
Ratio Christi Canada recently had the privilege of hosting Dr. Corey Miller, President/CEO of Ratio Christi (U.S.), at our largest campus chapter in the country. The host chapter was Ratio Christi at Crandall [...]
Testimony: A Journey Through Worldviews
I was introduced to the importance of apologetics when I was in my mid to late twenties. The timing was crucial as I was seriously doubting whether Christianity was, in fact, true. [...]
What Happens in Athens Stays in Athens?
I once had the privilege of joining a small group of students and faculty who were invited to eat and chat with a visiting professor from a leading Christian university. The professor was [...]