Statement of Faith
Ratio Christi’s (RC) faith statement affirms those areas of doctrinal agreement widely considered to be the historic Christian faith. There are additional components of our faith statement that are important to Christian apologetics. Freedom of conviction is allowed on other doctrinal matters, provided that no such interpretation hinders our ministry. Christians who dissent from a significant portion of our faith statement, as well as those of no or alternative religious faith, may participate in non-leadership capacities. A university faculty or university staff member may serve as an advisor or assistant to a RC chapter if the RC chapter directors determine that they affirm virtually all of our faith statement and would be a good fit for RC. Student officers are to be selected and approved in the same manner. RC chapter directors and all other RC leadership beyond the independent agents specified above must affirm the entire RC faith statement. If there is disagreement on certain nuances, then such should be addressed on a case-by-case basis at hiring and through duration of service with RC. Appropriate fit with the organization will ultimately be determined by the national director or board of directors. The various levels of faith statement affirmation specified above must also come with attitudes and actions consistent with those doctrinal affirmations. Discussion of doctrinal differences is encouraged within RC chapters to facilitate understanding Christian diversity. However, clubs will focus on defending basic (mere) Christianity as needed for gospel proclamation.