Originally published by Ratio Christi U.S. on June 30, 2020. Republished with permission and with minor edits.
Ratio Christi at Crandall University (RC at CU) is pleased to award RC’s Legatus Christi certificate to Christopher McCready!
Chris (above photo, right) has just graduated from Crandall University with a Bachelor of Business Administration and spent much of his time at Crandall being involved in RC’s ministry on the campus (as well as any other ministry he could add to his plate). During his last academic year, he was the Treasurer/Secretary (affectionately called the “Treacretary” by his peers) of the RC at CU apologetics club and was regularly involved with every aspect of the chapter’s ministry.
RC at CU’s Chapter Director, Cody Guitard, felt that it was an easy decision to award the Legatus Christi certificate to Chris: “Chris has been a model apologist-in-the-making. He is well-read, listens carefully to both sides of an argument, and shares his own thoughts with gentleness and respect. I have no doubt that he will excel in his future ministries.”
Chris was kind enough to answer some questions for us as he reflected on his time as an RC student and his reception of the Legatus Christi certificate:
1 – When did you come to Christ as Lord and Savior, and how did that come about?
I grew up in a Christian home, so I’ve been a follower of Christ just about as long as I can remember. I owe so much of my understanding of God and relationship with Him to the teachings of my parents. I was baptized at the age of 10 and, especially since then, God has been shaping and guiding me through numerous trials. And He has always been faithful.
2 – How did you become interested in apologetics, and how did you get involved with Ratio Christi?
I’ve always been a curious and intellectual person, and I love conversing with people, so I naturally gravitated toward examining scripture and theology from a logical standpoint with the aim of providing a reasoned defense of the faith to others. When I came to Crandall University in 2016, Ratio Christi did not yet have a chapter established there. But when Cody started advertising about a new apologetics club that would begin in the second semester, I was eager to check it out. I was a somewhat regular attendee, and in my final year, I became the treasurer/secretary for our chapter.
3 – What impact has the Ratio Christi ministry on your campus had on your walk with God and your personal ministry?
Ratio Christi truly lives up to its mandate as found in 1 Peter 3:15: “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.”
Through group discussions and Bible studies, we dug deep into the most relevant issues that appear in formal debates and in day-to-day conversation with skeptics concerning Christianity. Not only were we equipped with the reasoning and understanding needed to defend our faith, but an emphasis was always placed on being humble and gentle in our approach, which we practiced weekly in our disagreements with fellow club members. It was always a pleasure being presented with the difficult objections raised against Christianity, and working out solutions together, both novel and timeless ones. But perhaps most of all, we always approached scripture and theology in a serious manner, honoring Christ as holy, and motivated to sincerely give the Christian worldview the effort it’s due.
I found my personal walk with Jesus invigorated by the confidence that followed from such examinations and introspection, and I now know that I need not be afraid if someone questions me about my faith.
4 – What does receiving the Legatus Christi certificate mean to you?
I’m honoured to receive this certificate. To me, it means I’ve approached the subjects we’ve discussed with honesty and thoughtfulness, which is something I always strive to do. I trust that the Lord will give me many more opportunities to teach and to serve, to be a true “ambassador for Christ,” all for His glory.
5 – How do you envision taking the apologetics you have learned through Ratio Christi into your future endeavors?
I plan to attend seminary at some point and go on into ministry, but I’m not sure at this point if that simply means pastoral work or not. But I know that what I learned through Ratio Christi has already helped me in discussions with some of my skeptical friends, one of whom has come to Christ. The world is in a chaotic spot right now, and we need wise and courageous apologists more than ever. I just pray God will enable me to fit that bill, and I’m sure opportunities for fruitful discussion will present themselves as time goes on, whatever the setting may be.
6 – Would you consider coming back to work with your RC chapter, starting one at another school, or working with RC in any other capacity?
Definitely. As Ratio Christi has really only been introduced to Canada over the past few years, there’s plenty of room for expansion. I would love to be a part of that, whether at Crandall or elsewhere. Cody has already discussed the possibility of my starting a chapter at another school in New Brunswick. I might just take him up on that.
7 – What would you say to other students who might be considering getting involved in Ratio Christi, whether they be skeptics, seekers, or believers?
I promise you won’t regret it. There’s no need to feel like you need to know everything before coming to a club meeting, or that you’re going to be in a room with know-it-alls, or that you wouldn’t be welcome as a non-believer. The whole purpose of the meetings, as I see it, is for students to come together and learn—just as we do in our classes, with the added benefit of no homework! If the chapter director is doing their job right, it will be a welcoming and humble environment, and you’ll leave more knowledgeable than when you arrived. If nothing else, you’ll have fun and fascinating discussions, and hopefully be interested to learn more the following week.
Congratulations, Chris!
It’s always exciting to see passionate students like Chris go through our campus ministries and come out the other end ready to be effective ambassadors of Christ in the world. Students like him are the reason Ratio Christi awards the Legatus Christi certificate. Congratulations, Chris!
Please keep Chris in your prayers as he continues to love and serve God and others with all his mind.