Anniversaries can be exciting times of celebration—assuming you remember them, of course! (Men, we’re looking at you!) They are opportunities to recollect and reflect on the journey thus far, as well as to look forward in anticipation to what is to come.

Well, this month, Ratio Christi celebrates its own five-year anniversary of apologetics and evangelism discipleship ministry in Canada, and we want to take a moment to celebrate it with you!


Ratio Christi was first introduced to Canada in January 2017 and started its very first Canadian chapter at Crandall University in Moncton, NB.

From there, the ministry slowly grew and is still growing, not only on the CU campus, but across Canada. Our team has grown from one to nearly a dozen people in a short time, some having themselves been RC students, and we’ve had the privilege of planting several chapters on campuses and in churches in several provinces so far.

And since our inception as a ministry, Ratio Christi Canada received incorporation status in December 2018 and charitable status in June 2020. This granted us increased credibility in the country and the ability to bring on supported missionaries, including our National Coordinator.

In the last year alone, despite the difficulties posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Ratio Christi Canada staff and volunteers have been able to do regular discipleship with countless young people both at the high school and college/university levels.

In 2021, we set a new record as a ministry, coordinating more than a hundred group discussions, Bible studies, and speaking engagements in churches and on campuses across Canada, from youth groups to the university classroom.

We thank God for the amazing journey Ratio Christi Canada has had as a ministry so far and look forward with great anticipation to the journey that lies ahead.


While our Canadian team is still relatively small, God has nonetheless done some amazing things through our ministry and we trust that He will continue to lead us into a future that will be even more fruitful than our first five years.

We want to recruit more staff and volunteers with a heart for young people, to plant more chapters on campuses and in churches across Canada, and to offer more opportunities for open dialogue and regular apologetics and evangelism discipleship.

We want to create more resources to help equip those of you who want to learn how to more effectively share and defend the Christian faith—as well as for those of you still wondering whether or not Christianity might actually be true.

And we want to see more Canadian young people reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ and equipped to effectively share and defend the Christian faith so that maybe—just maybe—we can reverse the dramatic exodus of young people from the church.

But we simply cannot do all of this alone. We need your help to make Ratio Christi Canada’s vision a reality.


At this point, you‘re probably wondering, “How can I get involved in this important ministry and help change hearts and minds for Christ across Canada?” We’re glad you asked!

There are probably countless ways in which you might consider getting involved with Ratio Christi Canada, but here are a handful of key options to consider:

  • You might consider starting your own Ratio Christi chapter at a local school or church so that you can actively reach young people with the saving truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • You might consider hosting a Ratio Christi event at your own school, church, small group, or other venue, whether in person or online.
  • You can help supply much-needed resources to our chapters and students, including evangelism and apologetics materials, or, if you have the qualifications and aptitude, you can offer yourself as a guest speaker for our events or discussion groups.
  • You can also share Ratio Christi’s already-existing resources (including our free e-books) with others you know who might benefit from them, whether they’re someone curious about the Christian faith or someone who is a Christian but wants to better understand why they believe what they believe.
  • Through prayer and financial giving, you might also consider partnering with one of our missionaries who desire to serve with Ratio Christi Canada on a full-time basis.
  • And, of course, we covet your prayers for Ratio Christi’s ministry in general—that God would grant us favor in our efforts to reach young people and would provide the resources necessary to do so as effectively as possible.

No matter how you choose to get involved, the time, energy, and resources you invest will not go to waste—it will be worth it.


Imagine, for a moment, what it would be like to have Ratio Christi Canada’s ministries on campuses, in schools, and in churches across our country.

Imagine what it would be like if our college and university campuses had Christian students, staff, and faculty who were confident in their faith in Jesus Christ and could stand up to the most rigorous intellectual attacks and inquiry.

Imagine what it would be like if we had regular faith-building events on our campuses and in our churches providing an open forum for discussion on the most pressing issues concerning the truth and relevance of Christianity.

Imagine what it would be like if the people in our churches were being taught and trained from the earliest days of their walk with Christ to be able to clearly and soundly understand, share, and defend their faith.

And imagine what it would be like if instead of seeing a fall-away rate of 60-90% of our church-raised young people abandoning the faith by the time they finish college or university, we would instead see a reversal of those numbers reflecting a dramatic increase in the number of young people joining the church and submitting their lives to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

That, friends, is what Ratio Christi Canada is all about. It’s not just another ministry—it’s a movement and, we hope, an agent of change for the kingdom’s cause.

We’ve had a great journey so far, and we hope that you will prayerfully consider joining us for the journey yet to come.